CasinoWebCam Live Dealer Online Casino ILLEGAL in Canada,UK,EU/USA. Owner CHRISTOPHER KING PICHE
About CasinoWebCam The Real Chris Piche & Smarter AI Corporation. NV Co#: E8891922020-9
Chris Piche was Jailed in Vancouver Canada by Judges order BC Supreme Court Canada. LINK to Court Docs
Chris Piche has a history of violence & lawsuits, he was Jailed via a Judge’s Order In Canada!
Chris Piche says he founded Smarter AI to transform cameras with AI has no prior record of AI development uses Bangladesh I.T staff. Chris Piche claims his Status Native Indian of Canada.
Chris Piche’s ex-wife Ms. Chiu who’s 15+ years older than Chris said his Native Indian name is Mr. Brown. Sealed Records may exist of Chris in Canada. Public Court Documents show Chris Piche’s full name is: CHRISTOPHER KING PICHE. Lives in DUBAI, at The VILLA community Dubai.
+ Jailed In Canada by Judges Order of the British Columbia Supreme Court in the Dunn Case,
+ Chris Piche left the Royal Military College abruptly, sealed criminal and/or records may show why, Violence and/or Violent behavior? Chris Piche history of Violence.
+ FBI/DOJ charges for Illegal Truck Stop Gambling of Chris Piche’s Business Associate,
+ Chris Piche conned the State of Kentucky on a Business Investment Loan for about $300,000,
+ Scammed a Kentucky Landlord out of Rent Lawsuit Judgement vs Chris Piche’s company,
+ Chris Piches company Eyeball Networks counter sued by RIM Blackberry Ltd., “for delivering UNUSABLE USELESS Software”. Eyeball Networks Closed.
+ Chris Piche paid BRIBES to entrap an innocent man in Costa Rica, the Canadian CEO of his company to illegally prevent the CEO from working elsewhere. The Canadian CEO went to the Canadian Embassy & they provided Diplomatic Assistance to the CEO to leave Costa Rica
Chris Piche’s CORRUPTION was exposed by the CEO’s legal team & Canadian Embassy in San Jose CR. The Govt. of Canada via Diplomatic Notes supported theh CEO. Chris Piche’s bogus filings dismissed. Chris Piche’s company closed. Chris Piche was Jailed in the Peter Dunne Case.
Chris Piche stated that the CEO worked for “Bargain Basement” than Chris Piche closed his CasinoWebCam Out of Business . “Bargain Basement” shut him down for bargain basement $.
Welcome back to Vegas Chris Piche Merry Xmas.
To Chris Piche & anyone hired by him you will be hunted & prosecuted via both Criminal (Canada & USA Law Enforcement Wherever You Reside In Any Country) & Civil action.
Any move against the Canadian CEO will result in info released via CLOUD storage by the CEO, third parties & Legal reps including Recordings & Affidavits to US Media, DA’s, Federal + State (NY, NV) Agencies vs them, all incl., Chris Piche are subject to US Laws & Enforcement.
If you think this is just talk consider the following Facts…Criminal & Civil Notice.
- Chris Piche thought the CEO had No Lawyers in Costa Rica when he paid $250K + initially to bring a corrupt 15+ person armed raid on the CEO. Total bribes paid by Chris Piche about $1M. The CEO’s Lawyers a former top Supreme Court Justice who only represents wealthy connected clients & Govt., of Canada exposed the corruption & Chris Piche’s potentially Billion Dollar Company closed. The CEO won the case without spending a minute in any Jail. The CEO lived in his apartment fought the Case & Won multiple judgements versus Chris Piche. CEO visited the Canadian Embassy weekly at the time. Chris Piche paid Big Bribes for Nothing!
- Chris Piche told Ladbrokes his biggest client of CasinoWebCam that CEO had no Lawyers in the UK AFTER CEO’s UK Lawyer (who reps Billionaires) Wrote A Legal Letter to Ladbrokes who accepted on face value Chris Piche’s false statements. CEO ‘s UK Lawyers took the Ladbrokes Lawyers in a formal Complaint hearing to the UK Law Society for Sanctions which was heard & metered out. Ladbrokes immediately got another provider (Evolution) pushed Chris Piche’s CasinoWebCam to the Back of their Website cutting revenues drastically to Chris Piche & served him with Legal Notice. Chris Piche’s CasinoWebCam went Out of Business.
- Chris Piche is currently the subject of active investigation in Canada, USA & Other Jurisdictions anyone who he hires is going to pay Legally, Criminally and Civilly. You will be hunted by multiple Countries Govt Law Enforcement Agencies including the USA! The CEO is a resident of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
+++ It’s 2024 no one stores info on their devices it’s ALL in the CLOUD. +++
Chris Piche staff at Smarter AI searched Google & read this page in 2024.
The CEO by beating the bogus claims of Chris Piche SAVED Chris Piche from Michael McConnell’s & Angela Ho’s plans versus Chris Piche, they could not proceed against Chris Piche with the CEO Free! Events unfolded unexpectedly for them so they didn’t proceed.
CHARANJIT NARANG-PICHE HR DIR., Smarter AI International Pte Ltd, Marine Parade Drive, SG
Charanjit HR Dir, knew & had trust based on shared history at Hays Singapore with the guy who ran Dimension Search. Charanjit supported funding Dimension Search & Chris $$$ did. 🙂
Charanjt supported the Dimension Search Guy/Manager to Chris as she knew & trusted him to run Dimension Search maybe to secure her financial future funded by generous Chris Piche. 🙂
Charanjit HR Dir., in Singapore has a Marine Parade Apt. 126 St Patrick’s Rd Singapore @Grand Duchess is listed for Sale in 2023 @$3,134,322 USD, an address Chris Piche used in Singapore.
Charanjit HR Dir., unlike Ms. Chiu has legit claims to assets as wife she works at Smarter AI unlike Ms. Chiu in Hong Kong Chris’s much older ex-wife who never worked at his companies.
Cashing Assets to EVADE Criminal/Civil Judgments is illegal. Chris Piche The self proclaimed Status Native Indian can RUN but CAN’T HIDE from any legal Civil & Criminal proceedings.
1. Eyeball Networks – Chris Piche Jailed via Judges orders & Eyeball Networks counter sued by RIM Blackberry Ltd., “for delivering UNUSABLE USELESS Software”. Eyeball Networks Closed.
2. CasinoWebCam 2001-2012 OUT Of BUSINESS due to Chris Piche’s CORRUPT actions & gross incompetence after Chris Piche initiated & paid for a corrupt lawsuit in Costa Rica his plan to entrap an INNOCENT Canadian CEO in Corrupt Pre-Trial Detention in Costa Rica for years failed!
The CEO increased revenues 10x plus & grew CWC to #2 in the industry within 60 days! Chris Piche had failed to profit in the 4 to 5 years prior & was about negative -$4.5 Million in LOSSES.
Chris Piche due to his greed, malicious criminal conduct didn’t want to pay his CEO & he tried to prevent the CEO from working elsewhere via ILLEGAL Corrupt conduct in Costa Rica.
Chris Piche initiated a malicious corrupt bogus filing vs a CEO in COSTA RICA to entrap an innocent man in corrupt Pre-Trial detention, Chris Piche failed & it led to closure of CasinoWebCam.
Chris Piche paid for a violent Raid by 20+ Armed Gunman to bring violence to the Canadian CEO & his Wife whose knee was fractured by the thugs sent by Chris Piche the malicious raid on the Canadian CEO whose “crime” was to turnaround CWC & make millions for Chris Piche.
Chris Piche got about $13 Million USD from Macau’s Triad linked Dr. Ho (Trust Fund kid Angela Ho & ex-Hairdresser Husband who Live in NEW YORK USA) for developing a Live Dealer Casino, attaching a USB Camera to servers with third party Casino software, yup $13 Mill for that.
Chris Piche ran out of most of the $13 Million by 2020 needed to raise money after years of losses & closures of his CasinoWebCam & Eyeball companies. Chris Piche likes to portray himself as a successful Caucasian businessman & AI by Bangladeshi staff who’s @RealChrisPiche?
Chris Piche’s corrupt proceeding against his CEO in Costa Rica was exposed by the CEO, his Lawyers, the Govt., of Canada & Embassy in San Jose Costa Rica assisting the CANADIAN CEO.
The exposure of this extensive CORRUPTION upset the corrupt officials EXPOSED in Costa Rica vs Chris Piche & his Casino operation, the corruption was initiated & paid for by Chris Piche.
The corrupt officials in Costa Rica were upset at their corruption being exposed & demanded higher payments and Chris Piche paid them. Chris initiated this corruption & paid for it.
The Canadian CEO filed legal requests to the Govt., of Canada/Dept., of Foreign Affairs who wrote formal Diplomatic Notes to Govt., of Costa Rica to return the CEO’s Canadian Passport.
Chris Piche paying bribes to corrupt officials in Costa Rica who withheld the CEO’s passport for two years AFTER the CEO left Costa Rica. The corrupt prosecutor wrote to the Govt., of Canada & stated the Canadian passport was not the property of the Govt., of Canada! CORRUPT!
The Canadian CEO won multiple Court rulings against Chris Piche & his companies, left Costa Rica within a few months with a new Canadian Passport issued by the Govt., of Canada!
Formal Diplomatic Notes by Govt., of Canada to Dept. of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica, Canada demanded the return of it’s Canadian Passport, the Costa Rican Dept. of Foreign Affairs agreed & wrote to the Costa Rican Prosecutor supporting return of the Canadian passport to Canada.
The corrupt prosecutor withheld the Canadian CEO’s passport despite ruling in favor of the CEO completely exonerating the CEO, legal proceedings completed & case closed still illegally withheld the Canadian CEO’s Passport despite formal written orders by both the Govt. of Canada & Costa Rica to return the Canadian Passport to the Govt., of Canada.
Instead the Prosecutor stated the Canadian Passport (1) Did not belong to Canada, (2) asked CEO to return to Costa Rica (certain death to silence the CEO due to exposing extensive corruption) to pickup the Canadian Passport in Person! Chris Piche kept paying for the corruption!
Legal & Diplomatic pressure by the CEO’s lawyer & Govt., of Canada forced a corrupt prosecutor to return Canadian Passport to it’s legal owner Govt., of Canada it was returned to the CEO.
Chris Piche gave Fraudulent Accounting for a Cash Call to reduce Adams 20% in Eyeball Games.
Chris Piche’s 20% Share Business Partner Adam Anhang was brutally murdered in Puerto Rico.
Chris Piche assaulted Roberto the CasinoWebCam I.T. Manager in San Jose Costa Rica, Roberto sued Chris & collected via a Prosecutors Raid on the CasinoWebCam offices about $30K USD.
Live Dealer online casino companies who were Chris Piche’s/CWC Licensees like Evolution have become $2 BILLION+ Corporations, CasinoWebCam due to Chris Piche’s corruption closed.
3. Anyconnect US LLC, Kentucky Chris Piche is the owner and he setup this Shell LLC to get Kentucky KEDFA funding from the Govt., of Kentucky for $300,000 fooled them by saying he would invest $1.7 Million in the interior of a building, skipped out on the office lease. LOL
The Landlord sued Chris and won judgement but Chris Piche had a empty Shell LLC setup so they could never collect any judgement, I believe this is premediated fraud by Chris Piche.
4. FBI Raid & Charges on Chris Piche’s joint venture business partner Tim Whitmer (Lawsuit #12) below. Chris Piche withdrew Criminal Records check & closed company to avoid charges.
5. Smarter AI Corp Chris Piche raises about $30 Million US from Investors. Investors will likely NEVER see Returns on Investments. Chris Piche’s 25+ yr record suggests ZERO investor returns.
It appears Chris Piche RELOCATED TO DUBAI as of 2022 with most of the Investors CA$H 🙂
Chris Piche’s wife Charanjit Narang-Piche (PIC) HR Director at Smarter AI with Chris Piche.
Chris Piche raised about $30 Million USD in 2 Seed rounds in 2021. May 2023 No Swiss Office listed & likely does not exist despite this 2022 press release May 2023 No Swiss Office Address Listed at Smarter AI Corp.
Chris Piche/Smarter AI hires 5th world Bangladesh I.T staff some based there. Bangladesh AI?
Chris Piche has a track record of not paying business partners (United Pacific Capital) going to JAIL in relation to that. See History of Lawsuits below with Public Court Documents linked.
Chris Piche breaking contracts not paying two years of rent (Williamsburg Place Lawsuit) shows it’s highly unlikely any investors in Smarter AI will ever get their investments back.
Chris Piche applied for & got State of Kentucky (KEDFA) funding for $300,000 USD. Chris Piche claimed he would invest $1.7+ Million in Kentucky of course Chris Piche NEVER DID!
Instead Chris Piche paid only ten months of a three year office lease for about $60,000 to APPEAR he was investing & pocketed the balance of the $300,000 USD from State of Kentucky closed Anyconnect US LLC an EMPTY Shell Corporation with ZERO Assets & skipped town.
Landlords beware Chris Piche has history of skipping Rent not paying see lawsuit # 2. below…
Chris Piche’s track record of taking funding than closing offices and not paying rent shows his true character and business practice.
Chris Piche has taken investors money and moved to Dubai to attempt to be judgment proof from creditors who will most likely never see a penny in returns,
Chris Piche has a home + 2 other smaller properties in Manila on an Island in The PHILLIPINES.
Chris Piche has hired cheap coders from Bangladesh a lot of whom were sub contractors there.
PR Paid By Chris Piche Promotional Press Releases To Appear as an AI Expert.
Chris Piche (pics) is attempting to portray himself as an AI expert via his Smarter AI company.
Chris Piche placing lots of paid promo PR articles posing as an AI expert. It’s PR to raise $$$.
Chris Piche (PIC) Status Indian PAID $799? for promo “AI Award” from Business Intelligence.
“We have CCTV cameras all over the world. They are dumb cameras. You can watch videos on a screen or store them and watch it later. With technology, AI cameras are possible. The same way that technology-enabled smartphones to be created, I thought of using the tech in CCTVs. IOS and Android were key component platforms in the mobile market. In the same way, for AI cameras, there are only a few platforms and Smarter AI is one of them,” said Piche, jailed in United Pacific lawsuit Link:
Chris Piche is trying to make Smarter AI look successful the same pattern as his previous company Eyeball. Chris Piche announced a new rental office appears to be in a sketchy Ottawa strip mall.
Press release LAS VEGAS, Nov. 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Smarter AI, today announced its third new office expansion in Canada, supporting its growing team and allowing more comprehensive support for the North American market. No Ottawa Address listed as of May 2023 likely doesn’t exist.
“This office opening is a big milestone for Smarter AI and myself. I was born and raised in Canada, so it’s exciting to open an office in the country that I called home for so many years,” said CEO and founder of Smarter AI, Chris Piche. “Smarter AI is growing rapidly this year, and we are pleased to be opening a Canadian office to continue advancing our company further into the North American market.” Link: No Canadian Office at Smarter AI.
Margaret Chiu Bankruptcy Living In Garden Shed After Bankruptcy Eviction From HK Home
The CEO hopes Chris Piche raises $300+ Million US as he hasn’t been successful per his poor track record of business closures, lawsuits & going to Jail in the United Pacific v. Piche case!
Chris Piche‘s conduct versus Angela Ho, ex-wife Margaret Chiu & Michael McConnell…
(i) $5+ Million USD Divorce Costs for Margaret Chiu Bankruptcy & living in a Garden,
(ii) Stolen $1 Million+ USD in Jewelry from Margaret Chiu given to her by her late father,
(iii) Chris Piche double crossed Angela Ho started in competition & poached Ho CFO Adam,
(IV) Chris Piche cost Angela Ho a lot of business, $13+M US for Software Fees & Ho Gaming revenues down to nothing & billion+ value lost by Angela Ho due to Chris Piche’s actions vs her,
(V) Chris Piche fired Michael McConnell twice never paid him severance Ms. Chiu paid it,
Margaret Chiu (Link: living in a Garden?), Angela Ho & Michael McConnell are Co-Conspirators.
Margret Chiu in Bankruptcy May 12 2023 for $12 Million+ Debt her home for sale by creditors.
Margaret Chiu EVICTED & Living in the Garden Judge says Ms. Chiu has no right to occupy it.
List of Only SOME Chris Piche & Co., Lawsuits, Court Documents Links and/or Public Records.
1. UNITED PACIFIC CAPITAL LTD (Peter Dunne) sued BOTH Chris Piche & his company for breach of contract involving payments to Dr. Ho’s that Chris Piche refused to pay as agreed,
Chris was JAILED for Contempt by BC Supreme Court Judge, POLICE Arrested & took Chris Piche into custody in handcuffs to Jail. “…Mr. Piché was taken into custody. He was removed from his office, in the presence of his staff members…” Stated the Court.
2. Lawsuit for non payment of Rent versus Chris Piche’s, Anyconnect US LLC in Kentucky…
Chris Piche’s Anyconnect US LLC closed it’s offices after < one year didn’t pay $128K in rent.
Chris Piche breaking contracts not paying two years of rent (Williamsburg Place Lawsuit) shows it’s highly unlikely any investors in Smarter AI will ever get their investments back.
Chris Piche applied for & got State of Kentucky (KEDFA) funding for $300,000 USD. Chris Piche claimed he would invest $1.7+ Million in Kentucky of course Chris Piche NEVER DID!
Instead Chris Piche paid only ten months of a three year office lease for about $60,000 to APPEAR he was investing & pocketed the balance of the $300,000 USD from State of Kentucky closed Anyconnect US LLC an EMPTY Shell Corporation with ZERO Assets & skipped town.
The defendants filed an answer and served written discovery, which Landlord answered on January 14, 2019. Link:
The trial court awarded Landlord damages in the amount of $128,160, plus pre judgment interest at 6%, attorney’s fees, and costs. LINK :
3. Eyeball Networks Inc. vs. Blackberry Ltd., BCSC No. S-138017. BC Supreme Court File Number.
(RIM) Blackberry Ltd., counter sued Chris Piche it appears the Court awarded Costs to Blackberry and Chris Piche stopped his failed lawsuit vs Blackberry.
At Para 5. in the Order Made After Application June 08 2018 – “Eyeball (Chris Piche’s company) pay Blackberry the costs of this application in any event of the cause as lump sum costs assessed as increased costs in the amount of $5,000. ” Stated the Court.
Blackberry claimed Chris Piche his company Eyeball Networks Inc., now closed failed to provide software services as per their contract, that the software by Chris Piche’s company was so buggy & flawed as to be unusable. Blackberry had to re-write software from scratch at great expense.
BlackBerry’s Response to Civil Claim alleges a series of failures and breaches of contract by
Eyeball, as follows: [At Para 12 in the Application Response Oct., 13th 2016].
(a) BlackBerry alleges (at paras 15, 16, 16, and 18 of the Response to Civil Claim) that
Eyeball failed to produce or integrate the “Deliverables” in accordance with the
Agreement, and failed to provide Technical Support for the Deliverables as agreed, and
delivered a product that was so deficient as to require BlackBerry to devote its own
resources to the completion and integration of the Deliverables;
(b) At paragraph 19, BlackBerry pleads that Eyeball’s failures to perform under the
agreement “include,” “without limiting the generality of the foregoing,” a list of seven
particularized allegations;
(c) At paragraph 19(c), BlackBerry pleads that the Deliverables were “so deficient as to be
useless for their intended purpose”; and notes seven particularized allegations of these
4. THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE sued Chris Piche’s company Eyeball in the BC Supreme Court for re-payment of Federal Government Business Loans for about $120,000.
Chris Piche tried to dispute it but when faced with a file for investigation by them to be given to the Canada Revenue Agency (Tax) settled real quick to avoid any investigation into his dubious & extensive tax avoidance history.
5. Hammond v 0701582 BC Limited #CV05CV032894SR00 Ottawa; v. Eyeball Network Games
Michael Hammond a CasinoWebCam software engineer in Ottawa Canada sued Chris Piche for non payment of severance monies owed he seized via court order about $45,000+ from Chris’ North Shore Bank in North Van., BC, Canada.
Chris Piche tried to con a Judge saying his company owed him money & the sized $45,000+ be returned to him (Chris Piche), Judge was not buying Chris Piche’s BS gave the money to ex-employee Michael Hammond who had sued Chris in Ottawa & Seized Judgement $$$ in BC.
6. Pageant Media Ltd. v. Piche, 2013 BCCA 537 (Case Number & Citation) Public Court Record.
7. The Federal Tax Agency of Canada the CRA sued Chris’s company for $114,000+ costs and won judgement in the Tax Court of Canada in 2019,
8. Chris Piche spent $100’s of thousands on a lawsuit against old Mel at Home Gambling Network won a judgement but has not collected a penny awarded as there are no assets of any value to collect now that CWC Gaming is shutdown it’s not collectible for Chris Piche just another lawsuit.
9. Lawsuits in Costa Rica vs Chris Piche/CasinoWebCam companies after closure. MANY Employees claimed Chris did not pay wages owed. Michael McConnell was extorting Ms. Chiu for office property valued at about $600,000 USD.
10. Chris tried to claim his ex-wife (Margaret’s) Hong Kong home valued at $20+ million USD but Chris Piche failed, spent a lot of $$ on his messy Divorce hoping to get a share of her valuable home in Hong Kong, Judge did NOT award any monies to Chris Piche from this property.
His ex-wife got $3 Mill., USD from Chris for renovations Chris Piche got NOTHING from Ms. Chiu.
2023 Margaret Chiu Bankrupt $12+Mill Debt Creditors selling her home living in Garden Shed!!!
At Para #2: “Christopher King Piche vs Margaret Chiu Divorce Judgement…”Because Mr. Piche had status as an Indian pursuant to the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985, C. I-5, profits in Infranet were tax-free if taken as income by him. He adopted a pattern paying bonuses to himself and then lending the money back to the company for its operations.” Link to Public Court Docs.“
11. West Coast Singles Introduction Services LTD sued Chris Piche for Dating Debt owed appears to be a dating/matchmaking service in Vancouver, Canada that Chris Piche failed to pay,
12. Chris Piche Truck Stop Gambling machines with Tim Whitmer who was charged by the FBI…
“CWC Gaming, which lists Whitmer and former Parish President Tim Coulon as officers, reached an agreement with Redman Gaming of Kenner in May to share revenue from a video poker truck stop to be built in Sulphur, according to messages the parish released recently after turning them over to the FBI.
CWC agreed to pay Redman, which operates at least 10 truck stop casinos across southern Louisiana, a total of $137,500 in two installments for an unspecified share of the Sulphur casino revenues.”
F.B.I. Press Release LINK:
Chris Piche Jailed CasinoWebCam Closed and Out of Business.
On or about December 12th 2012 Chris Piche closed CWC it ceased to operate. Chris Piche after being Jailed decided on his own to close CWC.
The result of the corrupt private lawsuit by Chris Piche in Costa Rica & his incompetence running CasinoWebCam as it’s CEO & Chairman. Chris Piche ran CWC Gaming Out Of Business!
Chris Piche, Michael McConnell & Margaret Chiu Conspiracy/Entrap CEO In Costa Rica
Chris Piche filed a Corrupt Private violent malicious prosecution lawsuit with 20+ Armed Gunman in Costa Rica to entrap his successful CEO in pretrial detention. This failed and all Chris Piche’s hearsay bogus allegations were SUMMARILY DISMISSED by the courts.
The Innocent Canadian CEO sought out & got assistance from the Govt. of Canada, the Canadian Embassy & it’s Vice Counsel. Canadian Govt., sent Diplomatic Notes supporting CEO.
The Canadian Embassy in Costa Rica helped to expose the corruption. The CEO in court got Chris Piche’s hearsay baseless claims made by Chris Piche dismissed. Chris Piche never came forward to testify despite court orders to do so. Judges dismissed Chris Piche‘s bogus lawsuit.
This took months of legal back and forth to get MULTIPLE COURT RULINGS EXONERATING the CEO and the Courts SUMMARILY DISMISSING ALL BOGUS allegations made by Chris Piche.
The conspirators tried & failed to entrap the innocent CEO in Pretrial Detention in Costa Rica.
Similar in nature to the corrupt bogus lawsuit prosecution of Nissan CEO Carlos Goshn.
This type of corrupt entrapment via Private Lawsuit is common corrupt practice in Costa Rica.
Example pending resolution of bogus pre-trial lawsuits can take 5-10 years & would subject persons to pre-trial detention & limbo all the while officials milk corruption from people engaging in illegal corrupt actions paying them like Chris Piche paid his CORRUPT Costa Rica lawyer Ana.
A common tactic used by corrupt people like Chris Piche in Costa Rica.
Many US, UK & Canadian Citizens have been trapped in Costa Rica in corrupt pre trial lawsuits.
Many Costa Rican citizens view of corruption in their country:
- 80% think that government corruption is a major issue;
- 59% believe the government’s anti-corruption efforts are poor;
- 49% think that the level of corruption in the country has increased in the last 12 months.
The Government of Canada supported the Canadian CEO & he left Costa Rica for the USA & Canada after winning Multiple Court rulings against Chris Piche and the other conspirators.
The primary motive for Chris Piche was that he did not want pay his CEO or Compete Legally…
(i) to compete fairly in the market place and…
(ii) pay what was owed to his CEO for the success of turning around CWC into profit from the millions in License Fees revenues,
(III) Within just 60 Days the CEO had turned CWC to profit which Chris Piche had failed to do since founding it some 4-5 years earlier. Chris Piche thought this is it his going to be a billionaire and decided as a reward for a “Good Job” to try to entrap via illegal CORRUPT proceedings in Costa Rica the successful Canadian CEO who worked there & Chris ran CWC Out of Business.
Chris Piche did not want to pay out of pure greed and tried to illegally via corrupt action stop his CEO from working at other Gaming Operators, Chris Piche knew he did not have the skills or knowledge to compete with his successful CEO.
Chris Piche knew that he was not able to compete with his CEO in the marketplace fairly against his successful CEO and would be something he could not handle or win.
Like a coward Chris Piche took an illegal shortcut he thought would benefit him it backfired.
Chris Piche like a coward brought this corrupt violent action against his CEO in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica is a jurisdiction well known for this type of corruption (filing of Bogus Corrupt Law Suits) and Chris Piche failed in his corrupt law suit leading to the closure of CWC Gaming which he believed would make him a Billionaire. Chris Piche’s delusional dream ended.
Michael McConnell Canadian IT Manager No Formal Qualifications Conspiracy with Angela Ho.
Michael McConnell started working for Chris Piche in Vancouver at about 18 years old craved his money/lifestyle. Michael McConnell tried everything to attach himself closely to Chris Piche
Michael McConnell appeased Chris Piche’s ego made friends with Ms. Chiu his ex-wife spent weekends time with them including going for walks on the Stanley Park seawall in Vancouver etc., in order to attach himself into their inner circle & secure his position with Chris.
Chris Piche fired Michael McConnell the first time from Eyeball, Michael McConnell went to the USA and plotted his return to Chris Piche’s company one way or another!
Michael McConnell via Margaret Chiu contacted Angela Ho and they entered a conspiracy to extract money from Chris Piche’s and his company in Costa Rica.
Angela Ho setup up her friend Margaret Chiu as Chris Piche’s partner/wife match made them to try to control Chris Piche. Angela Ho failed as Chris Piche double crossed her by opening a competing company CWC and conned her for $12+ Mill USD by stringing along software development and extracting increasing amounts of fees and payments over several years.
Michael McConnell got re-hired as I.T. Manager for CWC in Costa Rica replacing Roberto the CR, IT Manager by conspiring with Ms. Chiu Chris’s ex-wife convinced Chris Piche to hire him back.
Chris Piche spent many hours late at night on the phone with Michael McConnell as he had no real friends over time Michael McConnell extracted increasing pay from Chris Piche.
Michael McConnell’s primary motive was to extract as much money as he could from Chris Piche even trying to to take over Chris Piche’s CWC Costa Rica office building after CWC closed conspiring with Ms. Chiu & Angela Ho of Ho Gaming & Ana the Costa Rican Lawyer.
Michael McConnell pirated the CWC Casino Gaming Software copied it & tried to sell it to Third Parties.
Michael McConnell told the CEO he was robbed by 3 Transgender prostitutes in San Jose, Costa Rica at the Del Rey Hotel an infamous brothel in downtown San Jose Costa Rica.
Michael McConnell stated to the CWC CEO he was robbed by Transgender Prostitutes around the Del Rey Hotel in San Jose an infamous brothel in San Jose, Costa Rica.
Chris Piche became aware of Michael McConnell’s close paid cash ties to Angela Ho his enemy.
Chris Piche who poached Ho Gaming CFO Canadian Adam & made about $13+ Million USD from License Fees + the Ho Online Casino Joint venture which was primarily funded by trust fund kid Angela Ho’s father Ho now deceased. The other kids took most of the Ho Billions fortune.
Chris Piche started online Casino in competition to Ho joint venture & Angela Ho lost most of her revenues from Ho Gaming to Chris Piche by this double cross & became a sworn enemy of Chris Piche. Chris poached Ho Gaming CFO Adam by offering 20% shares in Eyeball Games.
Canadian Michael McConnell’s Conspiracy Setup with Angela Ho and Margaret Chiu.
Michael McConnell got his first $25,000 USD payment at the hotel in Escazu from Margaret Chiu & Angela Ho, on or about Dec., 27th 2005 for his role in the corrupt lawsuit in Costa Rica.
Michael McConnell took payments from Angela Ho for this setup including start of employment payment from Angela Ho which Chris Piche found about & fired him from CWC.
Michael McConnell had setup employment for himself and the CEO with Angela Ho at Dr. Ho Gaming to encourage Chris to engage in corruption against his CEO to eliminate the CEO.
This left Michael McConnell in charge in the Costa Rica offices with Chris Piche paying him increasing amounts which Michael McConnell was successful in extracting from Chris Piche.
Michael McConnell knew that Angela Ho was Chris Piche’s sworn enemy competitor in the Casino industry & doing the above would enable him to get rid of the the CEO leaving him solely in charge on the ground to implement his nefarious plans with Angela Ho & others.
Chris Piche faced with this outcome fired his co-conspirator Michael McConnell his I.T. Manager locked him out of the Costa Rica offices on or about mid 2009.
Michael McConnell extorted cash from Margaret Chiu and Angela Ho for years as he was part of the corrupt conspiracy had full knowledge of all the details, documented their corrupt actions and bribery including that of Chris Piche to officials in Costa Rica.
Michael McConnell was always Angela Ho’s inside man at Chris Piche’s Gaming company.
Michael McConnell demanded the CWC Office Building from Margaret Chiu now ex-wife of the real Chris Piche which was valued at about $600,000 USD. Chris purchased this office building with his ex-wife Margaret in hopes of becoming a billionaire in the Live Dealer Offshore Online Casino industry which failed in epic fashion.
Both Angela Ho and Margaret Chiu paid about up to $1 million USD plus range to Michael McConnell over the years which he extorted from them to keep their bribery and corruption secret. But Michael McConnell did not he even stated that they engaged in this case to get more money from them.
They thought there would be no consequences & would become billionaires they were wrong.
Chris Piche has a relatively new startup Smarter AI and Bullseye in Las Vegas.
Chris Piche Smarter AI and Bullseye Offices – Dubai
This appears to be in a Unit that was marked for Sale in a medical Center. Smarter AI listed Office Address in Las Vegas below. Most if not all Staff Bangladesh nationals most work from the Dubai “Smarter AI” Offices. Sketchy AF!
- 8551 West Lake Mead Blvd Suite 240
- Las Vegas, NV 89128
- The office address for Chris Piche and Anyconnect : 1645 Village Center Cir Las Vegas, NV 89134
Smarter AI DMCC (Dubai Offices)
- 4102 Jumeirah Bay Tower X3
- Jumeirah Lakes Towers
- Dubai, UAE
There’s no address listed for Geneva perhaps it’s Claude’s kitchen table? Look forward to a office.
Smarter AI/Bullseye offices appear to be in a medical center in Las Vegas and the unit was for sale.
Note the slow script reading probably multiple takes 5-10+ because his clueless, the actual work & coding is done by Bangladesh I.T. Staff.
Note: High system usage crappy Fifth World Bangladesh code prob., written in bad Python?
Note: Claude appears to have Chris Piche figured out and is successfully extracting pay from Chris over time while living in Switzerland. Michael McConnell set a blueprint for extracting it.
Claude likes to boast how he was an amazing hacker back in the day “among the first to implement Rainbow Tables to crack password hashes, an endeavour that led to Windows Passwords getting cracked in just 5 seconds” : OK Claude. LINK:
Chris Piche setup offices in the UAE thinking his safe from Civil & Criminal charges #Mistaken.
Take the recent example of a Nigerian citizen named Ramon Olorunwa Abbas, “Hushpuppi.”
Abbas was living in Dubai, where he and others were running a number of online scams while flaunting a luxury lifestyle.
US & UAE governments cooperated to investigate the “crime ring” when the US government indicated Abbas & his associates, the Dubai Police simply picked them up handed them over.
Abbas “Hushpuppi” was later convicted sentenced to 11 years in prison.
This all came in the absence of a formal US extradition treaty with the UAE & some mistakenly thinking it’s a “non-extradition country.”
Anyone thinking they’ll hide out in Dubai is sorely mistaken, given how sensitive the UAE is to its image, Dubai has gone from being a backwater 20 years ago to a serious business destination today.
Under Chris Piche’s direction his staff in Dubai & USA are trying to hack this site repeatedly.
High Stakes Poker & Chris Piche Not Being a High Stakes Player like Other Businessman
Chris Piche bought shares via a online portal in DNegs recent tourney DNegs known high stakes tourney player won about $10K USD after DNges won the Final Table Heads Up tourney.
Chris Piche has probably never played a high stakes Poker match either Cash or Tournament does not have the Skills/Mind for High Stakes Poker or any stakes & lost lots at Blackjack.
This basic site with standard setup is likely not hackable by FIFTH world Bangladesh I.T staff of Smarter AI or even ones who subcontract to Chris Piche in THIRD WORLD Hyderabad India.
Nor by Michael McConnell who has no formal nor any Degree level Computer Science qualifications & seeks help via online forums. Michael crashed the CWC servers the site went offline doing a simple DB copy.
Michael was successful in pirating the Oracle Database for Chris at CWC saving $50-$100K but got fired anyway. He pirated CWC software as well and tried to sell it to third parties.
Michael McConnell’s Wink Streaming Offices are in a Shopping Center in Escazu, Costa Rica,
304 Plaza Atlantis Escazu, San Jose 10201, CR. Yup a Shopping Mall.
Michael McConnell’s epic failure of his plan with Margaret Chiu & Angela Ho getting fired from CWC and failing at business with Wink Streaming trying to offer video servers, failing at a re-seller Casino he ran Black Orchard, failing at the dried up affiliate marketing business, his a wanna be coder best at copying.
Michael McConnell runs CHEAP virtual cloud servers from Costa Rica. His got CHEAP virtual servers at data centers in the UK, EU, Asia & CR. His best at copying software as per his history.
Michael McConnell did basic sport Jujitsu classes in Canada & thinks as a White/Blue Belt he knows combat fighting. Stick to copying software from your Macbook wannabe tough guy.